Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Profile of regulator NrdR in Comamonadaceae

Regulator family: NrdR
Regulation mode: repressor
Biological process: Deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis
Effector: Deoxyribonucleotides
Regulog: NrdR - Comamonadaceae
Member of regulog collections
Transcription factor binding sites
Locus Tag Name Position Score Sequence
Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli AAC00-1
Aave_0864 nrdA -128 5.8 ACACTACATGTAGTGC
Aave_0864 nrdA -96 5 CCACTACCTATAGCGT
Acidovorax sp. JS42
Ajs_0087 nrdD -61 5.4 AAACTACCTATAGTGT
Ajs_0087 nrdD -29 5.8 ACACTATATGTAGTGT
Ajs_3632 nrdA -103 5.9 ACACTAGATATAGTGT
Ajs_3632 nrdA -135 5.3 ACACTACCCCTAGTGT
Comamonas testosteroni KF-1
Delftia acidovorans SPH-1
Daci_1501 nrdA -172 5.5 ACACTACAGGTAGTGC
Daci_1501 nrdA -141 5.4 ACACCATATCTAGTGT
Polaromonas naphthalenivorans CJ2
Pnap_3385 nrdA -159 5.3 GCACTAGCTGTAGTGC
Pnap_3385 nrdA -190 5.6 ACACTACCTGTAGTGG
Polaromonas sp. JS666
Bpro_1107 nrdA -215 5.5 ACACTACAGGTAGTGG
Bpro_1107 nrdA -183 5.2 ACCCTAGGTATAGTGT
Rhodoferax ferrireducens DSM 15236
Rfer_0368 nrdD -30 5.9 ACACTACCTATAGTGT
Rfer_0368 nrdD -61 5.2 ACGCTACATTTAGTGG
Rfer_3347 nrdA -109 5.3 CCCCTATATATAGTGT
Rfer_3347 nrdA -140 5 CCACTACCGGTAGTGG
Variovorax paradoxus S110
Vapar_0956 nrdA -98 5.7 ACCCTAGATATAGTGT
Vapar_0956 nrdA -130 5.4 ACGCTACATCTAGTGG
Verminephrobacter eiseniae EF01-2
Veis_1496 nrdA -115 5.5 ACACCATATATAGTGT
Veis_1496 nrdA -147 5.7 ACACTACAGGTAGTGT
Methylibium petroleiphilum PM1
Mpe_A3214 nrdA -294 5.4 GCGCTAGATATAGTGT
Mpe_A1693 Ajs_0086 -1880 5.6 ACACTACCGGTAGTGT
Mpe_A1693 Ajs_0086 -1848 4.4 CCACTACCGGTAGAGC
Mpe_A3214 nrdA -325 5.6 ACGCTACATATAGTGC
Leptothrix cholodnii SP-6
Lcho_0382 nrdA -322 5.2 ACACTAGCGCTAGTGC
Lcho_0382 nrdA -291 5.4 GCACTAGATGTAGTGC
Regulatory Sites [ FASTA format ] DOWNLOAD