Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Profile of regulator ScrR in Shewanellaceae

Regulator family: LacI
Regulation mode: repressor
Biological process: Sucrose utilization
Effector: Sucrose
Regulog: ScrR - Shewanellaceae
Member of regulog collections
Transcription factor binding sites
Locus Tag Name Position Score Sequence
Shewanella sp ANA-3
Shewana3_0067 scrT -186 7.1 AACTTAATCGATTAAGTT
Shewana3_0066 scrP -88 7.1 AACTTAATCGATTAAGTT
Shewana3_0068 omp(Scr) -125 6.9 AACTTAATCGATTAAGAT
Shewanella sp MR-4
Shewmr4_0066 omp(Scr) -124 6.9 AACTTAATCGATTAAGAT
Shewmr4_0065 scrT -186 7.1 AACTTAATCGATTAAGTT
Shewmr4_0064 scrP -88 7.1 AACTTAATCGATTAAGTT
Shewanella sp MR-7
Shewmr7_0063 scrT -186 7.1 AACTTAATCGATTAAGTT
Shewmr7_0062 scrP -88 7.1 AACTTAATCGATTAAGTT
Shewmr7_0064 omp(Scr) -124 6.9 AACTTAATCGATTAAGAT
Shewanella baltica OS155
Sbal_4286 omp(Scr) -143 7.1 AACTTAATCGATTAAGTT
Sbal_4287 scrT -190 7.1 AACTTAATCGATTAAGTT
Sbal_4288 scrP -88 7.1 AACTTAATCGATTAAGTT
Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400
Sfri_3988 omp(Scr) -147 6.8 AACTTAATCGATTAAGTC
Sfri_3989 scrT -156 7.1 AACTTAATCGATTAAGTT
Sfri_3990 scrP -50 7.1 AACTTAATCGATTAAGTT
Sfri_4008 omp(Scr)2 -90 6.6 AACTTAATCGAATAAGTT
Regulatory Sites [ FASTA format ] DOWNLOAD