Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Regulon of NikR in Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1

Regulator type: Transcription factor
TF locus tag: RSP_3433
Regulator family: NikR
Regulation mode: repressor
Biological process: Nickel homeostasis
Effector: Nickel ion, (Ni2+)
Regulog: NikR - Rhodobacterales
Statistics of regulated genes:
- Genes 5
- Operons 1
Allows to visualize regulon content in the context of metabolic pathways
Built upon 2 sites [see more]
Member of regulog collections
Regulated operons
Locus Tag Name Function

Position: -40
Score: 7.6
Sequence: GTATGAT-(14)-TTCATAC
Locus tag: RSP_6168
Name: nikK
Funciton: Additional periplasmic component NikK of nickel ECF transporter
Locus tag: RSP_3207
Name: nikM
Funciton: Substrate-specific component NikM of nickel ECF transporter
Locus tag: RSP_3208
Name: nikL
Funciton: Additional component NikL of nickel ECF transporter
Locus tag: RSP_3209
Name: nikQ
Funciton: Transmembrane component NikQ of energizing module of nickel ECF transporter
Locus tag: RSP_3211
Name: nikO
Funciton: ATPase component NikO of energizing module of nickel ECF transporter
Additional periplasmic component NikK of nickel ECF transporter
Substrate-specific component NikM of nickel ECF transporter
Additional component NikL of nickel ECF transporter
Transmembrane component NikQ of energizing module of nickel ECF transporter
ATPase component NikO of energizing module of nickel ECF transporter
Regulated Genes [ Tab delimited format ] DOWNLOAD
Regulatory Sites [ FASTA format ] DOWNLOAD