Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Propagation of NarP regulog to Psychromonas ingrahamii 37

Reference regulog properties
Source regulog: NarP - Shewanellaceae
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: LuxR
Regulation mode: activator (repressor)
Biological process: Nitrate and nitrite respiration
Effector: Nitrite; Nitrate
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Propagated regulon:
Target genome Psychromonas ingrahamii 37
Orthologous TF(s) No orthologous TFs found
Regulated genes 3
Built upon 249 sites [see more]
Predicted regulatory interactions in Psychromonas ingrahamii 37
Locus tag Position Score Sequence
Position: -19
Score: 4.2
Locus tag: Ping_0388
Ping_0388 -19 4.2 TACCTATTAAGGGAGA
Supported by regulated orthologs from reference regulons
Ortholog gene name: crp
Ortholog function: Cyclic AMP receptor protein, transcriptional regulator Crp
Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 SO0624 -217 4.2 TAACTCTACAGAGTTA
Shewanella putrefaciens CN-32 Sputcn32_0652 -217 3.7 TAACTCGACAGAGTTA
Shewanella sp W3-18-1 Sputw3181_3522 -217 3.7 TAACTCGACAGAGTTA
Shewanella sp ANA-3 Shewana3_0617 -217 4.2 TAACTCTACAGAGTTA
Shewanella sp MR-4 Shewmr4_0618 -217 4.2 TAACTCTACAGAGTTA
Shewanella sp MR-7 Shewmr7_3412 -217 4.2 TAACTCTACAGAGTTA
Shewanella baltica OS155 Sbal_0578 -217 3.7 TAACTCGACAGAGTTA