Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing xyl3 gene

Regulog: KdgR - Thermotogales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: IclR
Regulation mode: repressor
Biological process: Glucuronate utilization
Effector: 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate
Phylum: Thermotogae
Built upon 26 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Thermotoga maritima MSB8
Position: -135
Score: 5.19291
Locus tag: TM0071
Name: xloE
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, sugar-binding protein
Locus tag: TM0072
Name: xloF
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, permease protein 1
Locus tag: TM0073
Name: xloG
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, permease protein 2
Locus tag: TM0074
Name: xloK
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 1
Locus tag: TM0075
Name: xloL
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 2
Locus tag: TM0076
Name: xyl3
Funciton: Beta-xylosidase (EC
Locus tag: TM0077
Name: axeA
Funciton: Acetyl xylan esterase (EC
xloE-xloF-xloG-xloK-xloL-xyl3-axeA -135 5.2 TTTGAAATAATCTTTTACA TM0071
Thermotoga naphthophila RKU-10
Position: -135
Score: 5.19291
Locus tag: Tnap_0701
Name: xloE
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, sugar-binding protein
Locus tag: Tnap_0702
Name: xloF
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, permease protein 1
Locus tag: Tnap_0703
Name: xloG
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, permease protein 2
Locus tag: Tnap_0704
Name: xloK
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 1
Locus tag: Tnap_0705
Name: xloL
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 2
Locus tag: Tnap_0706
Name: xyl3
Funciton: Beta-xylosidase (EC
Locus tag: Tnap_0707
Name: axeA
Funciton: Acetyl xylan esterase (EC
xloE-xloF-xloG-xloK-xloL-xyl3-axeA -135 5.2 TTTGAAATAATCTTTTACA Tnap_0701
Thermotoga petrophila RKU-1
Position: -136
Score: 5.19291
Locus tag: Tpet_0853
Name: xloE
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, sugar-binding protein
Locus tag: Tpet_0852
Name: xloF
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, permease protein 1
Locus tag: Tpet_0851
Name: xloG
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, permease protein 2
Locus tag: Tpet_0850
Name: xloK
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 1
Locus tag: Tpet_0849
Name: xloL
Funciton: Xylose oligosaccharides ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 2
Locus tag: Tpet_0848
Name: xyl3
Funciton: Beta-xylosidase (EC
Locus tag: Tpet_0847
Name: axeA
Funciton: Acetyl xylan esterase (EC
xloE-xloF-xloG-xloK-xloL-xyl3-axeA -136 5.2 TTTGAAATAATCTTTTACA Tpet_0853