Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing opuCC gene

Regulog: CodY - Bacillales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: CodY
Regulation mode:
Biological process: Amino acid metabolism
Effector: Guanosine triphosphate; Branched-chain amino acids
Phylum: Firmicutes
Built upon 445 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42
Position: -41
Score: 4.7087
Locus tag: RBAM_031100
Name: opuCA
Funciton: Osmotically activated L-carnitine/choline ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein OpuCA
Locus tag: RBAM_031090
Name: opuCB
Funciton: Osmotically activated L-carnitine/choline ABC transporter, permease protein OpuCB
Locus tag: RBAM_031080
Name: opuCC
Funciton: Osmotically activated L-carnitine/choline ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein OpuCC
Locus tag: RBAM_031070
Name: opuCD
Funciton: Osmotically activated L-carnitine/choline ABC transporter, permease protein OpuCD
opuCA-opuCB-opuCC-opuCD -41 4.7 ACTTTTCAGAAAAAT RBAM_031100
Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032
Position: -43
Score: 5.04406
Locus tag: BPUM_3043
Name: opuCA
Funciton: Osmotically activated L-carnitine/choline ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein OpuCA
Locus tag: BPUM_3042
Name: opuCB
Funciton: Osmotically activated L-carnitine/choline ABC transporter, permease protein OpuCB
Locus tag: BPUM_3041
Name: opuCC
Funciton: Osmotically activated L-carnitine/choline ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein OpuCC
Locus tag: BPUM_3040
Name: opuCD
Funciton: Osmotically activated L-carnitine/choline ABC transporter, permease protein OpuCD
opuCA-opuCB-opuCC-opuCD -43 5 AATTTTCTGAATATA BPUM_3043
Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168
Position: -42
Score: 5.04445
Locus tag: BSU33830
Name: opuCA
Funciton: Osmotically activated L-carnitine/choline ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein OpuCA
Locus tag: BSU33820
Name: opuCB
Funciton: Osmotically activated L-carnitine/choline ABC transporter, permease protein OpuCB
Locus tag: BSU33810
Name: opuCC
Funciton: Osmotically activated L-carnitine/choline ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein OpuCC
Locus tag: BSU33800
Name: opuCD
Funciton: Osmotically activated L-carnitine/choline ABC transporter, permease protein OpuCD
opuCA-opuCB-opuCC-opuCD -42 5 ACTTTTCAGAAAATT BSU33830