Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing ydhT gene

Regulog: Fnr - Enterobacteriales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: CRP
Regulation mode: activator (repressor)
Biological process: Energy metabolism; Anaerobic metabolism
Effector: Oxygen
Phylum: Gammaproteobacteria
Built upon 685 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Citrobacter koseri ATCC BAA-895
Position: -162
Score: 4.71
Locus tag: CKO_01699
Name: ydhY
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase, Fe-S subunit
Locus tag: CKO_01698
Name: ydhV
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase subunit
Locus tag: CKO_01697
Name: ydhW
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase subunit
Locus tag: CKO_01696
Name: ydhX
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase, Fe-S subunit
Locus tag: CKO_01695
Name: ydhU
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase subunit
Locus tag: CKO_01694
Name: ydhT
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase subunit
ydhY-ydhV-ydhW-ydhX-ydhU-ydhT -162 4.7 TTGATAACGATCAA CKO_01699
Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655
Position: -214
Score: 4.71
Position: -60
Score: 3.71
Locus tag: b1674
Name: ydhY
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase, Fe-S subunit
Locus tag: b1673
Name: ydhV
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase subunit
Locus tag: b1672
Name: ydhW
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase subunit
Locus tag: b1671
Name: ydhX
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase, Fe-S subunit
Locus tag: b1670
Name: ydhU
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase subunit
Locus tag: b1669
Name: ydhT
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase subunit
ydhY-ydhV-ydhW-ydhX-ydhU-ydhT -214 4.7 TTGATAACGATCAA b1674
Proteus mirabilis HI4320
Position: -92
Score: 3.74
Locus tag: PMI0070
Name: ydhY
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase, Fe-S subunit
Locus tag: PMI0069
Name: ydhV
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase subunit
Locus tag: PMI0068
Name: ydhW
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase subunit
Locus tag: PMI0067
Name: ydhX
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase, Fe-S subunit
Locus tag: PMI0066
Name: ydhU
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase subunit
Locus tag: PMI0065
Name: ydhT
Funciton: Predicted oxidoreductase subunit
ydhY-ydhV-ydhW-ydhX-ydhU-ydhT -92 3.7 TTTATATACAACGA PMI0070