Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Propagation of GlpR regulog to Sodalis glossinidius str. 'morsitans'

Reference regulog properties
Source regulog: GlpR - Enterobacteriales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: DeoR
Regulation mode: repressor
Biological process: Glycerol utilization
Effector: Glycerol 3-phosphate
Phylum: Proteobacteria/gamma
Propagated regulon:
Target genome Sodalis glossinidius str. 'morsitans'
Orthologous TF(s) SG2326
Regulated genes 2
Built upon 64 sites [see more]
Predicted regulatory interactions in Sodalis glossinidius str. 'morsitans'
Locus tag Position Score Sequence
Position: -52
Score: 4.7
Locus tag: SG2329
Supported by regulated orthologs from reference regulons
Ortholog gene name: glpD
Ortholog function: aerobic glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655 b3426 -50 5.3 TGTTCGATAACGAACA
Salmonella typhimurium LT2 STM3526 -50 5.3 TGTTCGATAACGAACA
Citrobacter koseri ATCC BAA-895 CKO_04845 -50 5.4 TGCTCGATAACGAACA
Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae MGH 78578 KPN_03792 -53 4.8 TGAGCGATATCGAGCA
Enterobacter sp. 638 Ent638_3835 -50 5 TGAGCGATATCGAACA
Erwinia amylovora ATCC 49946 EAM_3265 -49 5.3 TGCTCGAAAACGAACA
Yersinia pestis KIM y3891 -52 5 TGAGCGAAAACGAACA
Serratia proteamaculans 568 Spro_4642 -52 5 TGAGCGAAAACGAACA
Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica SCRI1043 ECA4141 -47 5.3 TGCTCGAAAACGAACA
Edwardsiella tarda EIB202 ETAE_3312 -47 5.3 TGCTCGAAAACGAACA
Proteus mirabilis HI4320 PMI2930 -52 5 TGAGCGAAAACGAACA
Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. laumondii TTO1 plu0194 -50 4.7 TGAGCGAAAACGAGCA