Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Propagation of AbgR regulog to Escherichia coli E24377A

Reference regulog properties
Source regulog: AbgR - Enterobacteriales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: LysR
Regulation mode: repressor (activator)
Biological process: p-aminobenzoyl-glutamate utilization
Effector: p-aminobenzoyl-glutamate
Phylum: Proteobacteria/gamma
Propagated regulon:
Target genome Escherichia coli E24377A
Orthologous TF(s) EcE24377A_1553
Regulated genes 1
Built upon 12 sites [see more]
Predicted regulatory interactions in Escherichia coli E24377A
Locus tag Position Score Sequence
Position: -26
Score: 5.6
Locus tag: EcE24377A_1553
EcE24377A_1553 -26 5.6 GATAAATAACGGTTATC
Supported by regulated orthologs from reference regulons
Ortholog gene name: abgR
Ortholog function: transcriptional regulator AbgR
Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655 b1339 -130 5.1 GATAGTTTTTACTTATC
Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae MGH 78578 KPN_01535 -121 5.3 GATAGCTTTTGTTTATC
Serratia proteamaculans 568 Spro_4199 -28 5.6 GATAAACAACGGTTATC
Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. laumondii TTO1 plu3727 -30 5.1 TATAATTAAAAGTTATC