Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing amyE gene

Regulog: TreR - Thermotogales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: ROK
Regulation mode: repressor
Biological process: Trehalose utilization
Effector: Trehalose
Phylum: Thermotogae
Built upon 19 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Thermotoga naphthophila RKU-10
Position: -143
Score: 5.89165
Locus tag: Tnap_0601
Name: amyE
Funciton: extracellular alpha-amylase precursor
Locus tag: Tnap_0600
Name: treE
Funciton: Trehalose ABC transporter, substrate-binding component
Locus tag: Tnap_0599
Name: treF
Funciton: Trehalose ABC transporter, permease component 1
Locus tag: Tnap_0598
Name: treG
Funciton: Trehalose ABC transporter, permease component 2
amyE-treE-treF-treG -143 5.9 TTATTTTCATTTAACGAAAAAAA Tnap_0601
Thermotoga neapolitana DSM 4359
Position: -478
Score: 5.89165
Locus tag: CTN_0781
Name: amyE
Funciton: extracellular alpha-amylase precursor
Locus tag: CTN_0780
Name: treE
Funciton: Trehalose ABC transporter, substrate-binding component
Locus tag: CTN_0779
Name: treF
Funciton: Trehalose ABC transporter, permease component 1
Locus tag: CTN_0778
Name: treG
Funciton: Trehalose ABC transporter, permease component 2
amyE-treE-treF-treG -478 5.9 tTaTtTTCATTTAACGAAaAAAa CTN_0781
Thermotoga petrophila RKU-1
Position: -143
Score: 5.89165
Locus tag: Tpet_0953
Name: amyE
Funciton: extracellular alpha-amylase precursor
Locus tag: Tpet_0954
Name: treE
Funciton: Trehalose ABC transporter, substrate-binding component
Locus tag: Tpet_0955
Name: treF
Funciton: Trehalose ABC transporter, permease component 1
Locus tag: Tpet_0956
Name: treG
Funciton: Trehalose ABC transporter, permease component 2
amyE-treE-treF-treG -143 5.9 TTATTTTCATTTAACGAAAAAAA Tpet_0953