Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing bioN gene

Regulog: BioQ - Frankineae/Propionibacterineae/Pseudonocardiaceae
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: TetR
Regulation mode: repressor
Biological process: Biotin biosynthesis
Effector: Biotin
Phylum: Actinobacteria
Built upon 11 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Nocardioides sp. JS614
Position: -39
Score: 5.77142
Locus tag: Noca_3349
Name: bioY
Funciton: Substrate-specific component BioY of biotin ECF transporter
Locus tag: Noca_3350
Name: bioM
Funciton: ATPase component BioM of energizing module of biotin ECF transporter
Locus tag: Noca_3351
Name: bioN
Funciton: Transmembrane component BioN of energizing module of biotin ECF transporter
bioY-bioM-bioN -39 5.8 CCTGACCACCGTTCAGG Noca_3349
Propionibacterium acnes KPA171202
Position: -75
Score: 5.63909
Locus tag: PPA1400
Name: bioY
Funciton: Substrate-specific component BioY of biotin ECF transporter
Locus tag: PPA1399
Name: bioM
Funciton: ATPase component BioM of energizing module of biotin ECF transporter
Locus tag: PPA1398
Name: bioN
Funciton: Transmembrane component BioN of energizing module of biotin ECF transporter
bioY-bioM-bioN -75 5.6 ACTGAACGGTGTTCAAT PPA1400