Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing sacH gene

Regulog: ScrR - Bacillales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: LacI
Regulation mode: repressor
Biological process: Sucrose utilization
Effector: Sucrose
Phylum: Firmicutes
Built upon 7 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Bacillus clausii KSM-K16
Position: -83
Score: 7.58808
Locus tag: ABC3119
Name: sacH
Funciton: Predicted fructose oligosaccharide ABC transporter, membrane-spanning permease protein
Locus tag: ABC3118
Name: sacG
Funciton: Predicted fructose oligosaccharide ABC transporter, membrane-spanning permease protein 2
Locus tag: ABC3117
Name: sacF
Funciton: Predicted fructose oligosaccharide ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein
Locus tag: ABC3116
Name: sacC
Funciton: Levanase (EC
Locus tag: ABC3115
Name: cscA
Funciton: Sucrose hydrolase (EC
sacH-sacG-sacF-sacC-cscA -83 7.6 TATGTCAACCGGTTGACATA ABC3119
Bacillus licheniformis DSM 13
Position: -97
Score: 7.58808
Locus tag: BLi04182
Name: sacF
Funciton: Predicted fructose oligosaccharide ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein
Locus tag: BLi04181
Name: sacH
Funciton: Predicted fructose oligosaccharide ABC transporter, membrane-spanning permease protein
Locus tag: BLi04180
Name: sacG
Funciton: Predicted fructose oligosaccharide ABC transporter, membrane-spanning permease protein 2
Locus tag: BLi04179
Name: cscB
Funciton: Sucrose permease, major facilitator superfamily
Locus tag: BLi04178
Name: cscA
Funciton: Sucrose hydrolase (EC
sacF-sacH-sacG-cscB-cscA -97 7.6 TATGTCAACCGGTTGACATA BLi04182
Paenibacillus sp. JDR-2
Position: -103
Score: 7.31438
Locus tag: Pjdr2_5213
Name: sacH
Funciton: Predicted fructose oligosaccharide ABC transporter, membrane-spanning permease protein
Locus tag: Pjdr2_5214
Name: sacG
Funciton: Predicted fructose oligosaccharide ABC transporter, membrane-spanning permease protein 2
Locus tag: Pjdr2_5215
Name: sacF
Funciton: Predicted fructose oligosaccharide ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein
Locus tag: Pjdr2_5216
Name: sacC
Funciton: Levanase (EC
sacH-sacG-sacF-sacC -103 7.3 TATGTCATCCGGTTGACATA Pjdr2_5213