Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing ycsG gene

Regulog: KipR - Bacillales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: IclR
Regulation mode: repressor
Biological process: Sporulation
Phylum: Firmicutes
Built upon 9 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42
Position: -56
Score: 5.47104
Locus tag: RBAM_004280
Name: ycsF
Funciton: Lactam utilization protein
Locus tag: RBAM_004290
Name: ycsG
Funciton: Mn2+/Fe2+ transporter, NRAMP family
Locus tag: RBAM_004300
Name: ycsI
Funciton: Hypothetical protein
Locus tag: RBAM_004310
Name: kipI
Funciton: Kinase A inhibitor
Locus tag: RBAM_004320
Name: kipA
Funciton: Putative hydrolase subunit antagonist of KipI
Locus tag: RBAM_004330
Name: kipR
Funciton: Transcriptional regulator of initiation of developmental transcription at the onset of sporulation, IclR family
Locus tag: RBAM_004340
Name: lipC
Funciton: Lipolytic enzyme located in spore coat
ycsF-ycsG-ycsI-kipI-kipA-kipR-lipC -56 5.5 ATTCCGAATAGCGGAAT RBAM_004280
Bacillus licheniformis DSM 13
Position: -75
Score: 6.26081
Locus tag: BLi00498
Name: ycsF
Funciton: Lactam utilization protein
Locus tag: BLi00499
Name: ycsG
Funciton: Mn2+/Fe2+ transporter, NRAMP family
Locus tag: BLi00500
Name: ycsI
Funciton: Hypothetical protein
Locus tag: BLi00501
Name: kipI
Funciton: Kinase A inhibitor
Locus tag: BLi00502
Name: kipA
Funciton: Putative hydrolase subunit antagonist of KipI
Locus tag: BLi00503
Name: kipR
Funciton: Transcriptional regulator of initiation of developmental transcription at the onset of sporulation, IclR family
Locus tag: BLi00504
Name: lipC
Funciton: Lipolytic enzyme located in spore coat
ycsF-ycsG-ycsI-kipI-kipA-kipR-lipC -75 6.3 GTTCCGAAAATCGGAAC BLi00498
Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032
Position: -33
Score: 6.0471
Locus tag: BPUM_0379
Name: ycsF
Funciton: Lactam utilization protein
Locus tag: BPUM_0380
Name: ycsG
Funciton: Mn2+/Fe2+ transporter, NRAMP family
Locus tag: BPUM_0381
Name: ycsI
Funciton: Hypothetical protein
Locus tag: BPUM_0382
Name: kipI
Funciton: Kinase A inhibitor
Locus tag: BPUM_0383
Name: kipA
Funciton: Putative hydrolase subunit antagonist of KipI
Locus tag: BPUM_0384
Name: kipR
Funciton: Transcriptional regulator of initiation of developmental transcription at the onset of sporulation, IclR family
ycsF-ycsG-ycsI-kipI-kipA-kipR -33 6 GTTCCGTTATTCGGAAC BPUM_0379
Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168
Position: -84
Score: 4.89773
Position: -63
Score: 5.9726
Locus tag: BSU04050
Name: ycsF
Funciton: Lactam utilization protein
Locus tag: BSU04060
Name: ycsG
Funciton: Mn2+/Fe2+ transporter, NRAMP family
Locus tag: BSU04070
Name: ycsI
Funciton: Hypothetical protein
Locus tag: BSU04080
Name: kipI
Funciton: Kinase A inhibitor
Locus tag: BSU04090
Name: kipA
Funciton: Putative hydrolase subunit antagonist of KipI
Locus tag: BSU04100
Name: kipR
Funciton: Transcriptional regulator of initiation of developmental transcription at the onset of sporulation, IclR family
Locus tag: BSU04110
Name: lipC
Funciton: Lipolytic enzyme located in spore coat
ycsF-ycsG-ycsI-kipI-kipA-kipR-lipC -84 4.9 GTTCAAAAATTCGGAAT BSU04050