Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing COG2329 gene

Regulog: FetR - Chloroflexia
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: DtxR
Regulation mode: repressor
Biological process: Iron homeostasis
Effector: Iron ion, (Fe2+)
Phylum: Chloroflexi
Built upon 13 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Chloroflexus aggregans DSM 9485
Position: -57
Score: 5.97798
Locus tag: Cagg_3308
Name: hmuV
Funciton: Heme ABC transporter, ATPase component HmuV
Locus tag: Cagg_3307
Name: hmuT
Funciton: Heme ABC transporter, hemin-binding periplasmic component hmuT
Locus tag: Cagg_3306
Name: hmuU
Funciton: Heme ABC transporter, permease component HmuU
Locus tag: Cagg_3305
Name: COG2329
Funciton: hypothetical monooxygenase
Locus tag: Cagg_3304
Name: fetR
Funciton: Ferrous iron dependent repressor, DtxR family
hmuV-hmuT-hmuU-COG2329-fetR -57 6 AAATTAGTATATTCTAACTT Cagg_3308
Chloroflexus sp. Y-400-fl
Position: -57
Score: 5.78509
Locus tag: Chy400_2616
Name: hmuV
Funciton: Heme ABC transporter, ATPase component HmuV
Locus tag: Chy400_2617
Name: hmuT
Funciton: Heme ABC transporter, hemin-binding periplasmic component hmuT
Locus tag: Chy400_2618
Name: hmuU
Funciton: Heme ABC transporter, permease component HmuU
Locus tag: Chy400_2619
Name: COG2329
Funciton: hypothetical monooxygenase
Locus tag: Chy400_2620
Name: fetR
Funciton: Ferrous iron dependent repressor, DtxR family
hmuV-hmuT-hmuU-COG2329-fetR -57 5.8 AAATTAGAGTATTCTAATAG Chy400_2616
Roseiflexus castenholzii DSM 13941
Position: -123
Score: 5.90096
Locus tag: Rcas_4373
Name: hmuV
Funciton: Heme ABC transporter, ATPase component HmuV
Locus tag: Rcas_4372
Name: hmuT
Funciton: Heme ABC transporter, hemin-binding periplasmic component hmuT
Locus tag: Rcas_4371
Name: hmuU
Funciton: Heme ABC transporter, permease component HmuU
Locus tag: Rcas_4370
Name: RoseRS_3567
Funciton: hypothetical protein
Locus tag: Rcas_4369
Name: RoseRS_0755
Funciton: Hypothetical similar to CcmC, putative heme lyase for CcmE
Locus tag: Rcas_4368
Name: RoseRS_3569
Funciton: hypothetical protein
Locus tag: Rcas_4367
Name: COG2329
Funciton: hypothetical monooxygenase
Locus tag: Rcas_4366
Name: RoseRS_3571
Funciton: Hemin ABC transporter, permease protein
Locus tag: Rcas_4365
Name: RoseRS_3572
Funciton: hypothetical protein
Locus tag: Rcas_4364
Name: RoseRS_3573
Funciton: hypothetical protein
Locus tag: Rcas_4363
Name: fetR
Funciton: Ferrous iron dependent repressor, DtxR family
hmuV-hmuT-hmuU-RoseRS_3567-RoseRS_0755-RoseRS_3569-COG2329-RoseRS_3571-RoseRS_3572-RoseRS_3573-fetR -123 5.9 TTATTAGACTATACTAACTT Rcas_4373
Roseiflexus sp. RS-1
Position: -109
Score: 5.96912
Locus tag: RoseRS_3564
Name: hmuV
Funciton: Heme ABC transporter, ATPase component HmuV
Locus tag: RoseRS_3565
Name: hmuT
Funciton: Heme ABC transporter, hemin-binding periplasmic component hmuT
Locus tag: RoseRS_3566
Name: hmuU
Funciton: Heme ABC transporter, permease component HmuU
Locus tag: RoseRS_3567
Name: RoseRS_3567
Funciton: hypothetical protein
Locus tag: RoseRS_3568
Name: RoseRS_0755
Funciton: Hypothetical similar to CcmC, putative heme lyase for CcmE
Locus tag: RoseRS_3569
Name: RoseRS_3569
Funciton: hypothetical protein
Locus tag: RoseRS_3570
Name: COG2329
Funciton: hypothetical monooxygenase
Locus tag: RoseRS_3571
Name: RoseRS_3571
Funciton: Hemin ABC transporter, permease protein
Locus tag: RoseRS_3572
Name: RoseRS_3572
Funciton: hypothetical protein
Locus tag: RoseRS_3573
Name: RoseRS_3573
Funciton: hypothetical protein
Locus tag: RoseRS_3574
Name: fetR
Funciton: Ferrous iron dependent repressor, DtxR family
hmuV-hmuT-hmuU-RoseRS_3567-RoseRS_0755-RoseRS_3569-COG2329-RoseRS_3571-RoseRS_3572-RoseRS_3573-fetR -109 6 TTATTAGACTATACTAACCA RoseRS_3564