Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing nosL gene

Regulog: Dnr - Shewanellaceae
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: CRP
Regulation mode: activator
Biological process: Denitrification
Effector: Nitric oxide
Phylum: Proteobacteria/gamma
Built upon 5 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Shewanella denitrificans OS217
Position: -85
Score: 5.16531
Locus tag: Sden_2220
Name: nosR
Funciton: Nitrous oxide reductase maturation protein NosR
Locus tag: Sden_2219
Name: nosZ
Funciton: Nitrous-oxide reductase (EC
Locus tag: Sden_2218
Name: nosD
Funciton: Nitrous oxide reductase maturation protein NosD
Locus tag: Sden_2217
Name: nosF
Funciton: Nitrous oxide reductase maturation protein NosF (ATPase)
Locus tag: Sden_2216
Name: nosY
Funciton: Nitrous oxide reductase maturation transmembrane protein NosY
Locus tag: Sden_2215
Name: nosL
Funciton: Nitrous oxide reductase maturation protein, outer-membrane lipoprotein NosL
nosR-nosZ-nosD-nosF-nosY-nosL -85 5.2 TATTGATCTAAGTCACTA Sden_2220
Shewanella loihica PV-4
Position: -100
Score: 5.08202
Locus tag: Shew_3399
Name: nosR
Funciton: Nitrous oxide reductase maturation protein NosR
Locus tag: Shew_3400
Name: nosZ
Funciton: Nitrous-oxide reductase (EC
Locus tag: Shew_3401
Name: nosD
Funciton: Nitrous oxide reductase maturation protein NosD
Locus tag: Shew_3402
Name: nosF
Funciton: Nitrous oxide reductase maturation protein NosF (ATPase)
Locus tag: Shew_3403
Name: nosY
Funciton: Nitrous oxide reductase maturation transmembrane protein NosY
Locus tag: Shew_3404
Name: nosL
Funciton: Nitrous oxide reductase maturation protein, outer-membrane lipoprotein NosL
nosR-nosZ-nosD-nosF-nosY-nosL -100 5.1 ATTTGATCTCAGTCACGT Shew_3399