Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing nosD gene

Regulog: Dnr - Ralstonia
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: CRP
Regulation mode: activator
Biological process: Denitrification
Effector: Nitric oxide
Phylum: Proteobacteria/beta
Built upon 9 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Ralstonia eutropha H16
Position: -110
Score: 5.04262
Locus tag: PHG252
Name: nosZ
Funciton: nitrous oxide reductase
Locus tag: PHG251
Name: nosR
Funciton: putative transmembrane regulatory protein nosR
Locus tag: PHG250
Name: nosD
Funciton: putative copper binding periplasmic protein
Locus tag: PHG249
Name: nosF
Funciton: putative copper ATP-binding ABC transporter
Locus tag: PHG248
Name: nosY
Funciton: putative NosY transmembrane protein
Locus tag: PHG247
Name: nosL
Funciton: NosL family protein
nosZ-nosR-nosD-nosF-nosY-nosL -110 5 TTTTGATTCGAGTCAAGT PHG252
Ralstonia metallidurans CH34
Position: -165
Score: 5.10825
Locus tag: Rmet_4917
Name: nosZ
Funciton: nitrous oxide reductase
Locus tag: Rmet_4916
Name: nosR
Funciton: putative transmembrane regulatory protein nosR
Locus tag: Rmet_4915
Name: nosD
Funciton: putative copper binding periplasmic protein
Locus tag: Rmet_4914
Name: nosF
Funciton: putative copper ATP-binding ABC transporter
Locus tag: Rmet_4913
Name: nosY
Funciton: putative NosY transmembrane protein
Locus tag: Rmet_4912
Name: nosL
Funciton: NosL family protein
nosZ-nosR-nosD-nosF-nosY-nosL -165 5.1 ACATGACTTATGTCAAGC Rmet_4917
Ralstonia pickettii 12J
Position: -136
Score: 4.68648
Locus tag: Rpic_4059
Name: null
Funciton: nitrous oxide reductase
Locus tag: Rpic_4060
Name: null
Funciton: putative transmembrane regulatory protein nosR
Locus tag: Rpic_4061
Name: null
Funciton: putative copper binding periplasmic protein
Locus tag: Rpic_4062
Name: null
Funciton: putative copper ATP-binding ABC transporter
Locus tag: Rpic_4063
Name: null
Funciton: putative NosY transmembrane protein
Locus tag: Rpic_4064
Name: null
Funciton: NosL family protein
Rpic_4059-Rpic_4060-Rpic_4061-Rpic_4062-Rpic_4063-Rpic_4064 -136 4.7 GTGTGACGAAAGTCAATT Rpic_4059
Ralstonia solanacearum GMI1000
Position: -126
Score: 4.68648
Locus tag: RSp1368
Name: nosZ
Funciton: nitrous oxide reductase
Locus tag: RSp1369
Name: nosR
Funciton: putative transmembrane regulatory protein nosR
Locus tag: RSp1370
Name: nosD
Funciton: putative copper binding periplasmic protein
Locus tag: RSp1371
Name: nosF
Funciton: putative copper ATP-binding ABC transporter
Locus tag: RSp1372
Name: nosY
Funciton: putative NosY transmembrane protein
Locus tag: RSp1373
Name: nosL
Funciton: NosL family protein
nosZ-nosR-nosD-nosF-nosY-nosL -126 4.7 GTGTGACGAAAGTCAATT RSp1368