Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing ntdC gene

Regulog: NtdR - Bacillales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: LacI
Regulation mode: activator
Biological process: Neotrehalosadiamine biosynthesis
Effector: 3,3'-neotrehalosadiamine
Phylum: Firmicutes
Built upon 7 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Bacillus licheniformis DSM 13
Position: -77
Score: 5.78072
Locus tag: BLi03946
Name: ntdA
Funciton: NTD biosynthesis operon protein NtdA
Locus tag: BLi03945
Name: ntdB
Funciton: NTD biosynthesis operon putative hydrolase NtdB (EC 3.-.-.-)
Locus tag: BLi03944
Name: ntdC
Funciton: NTD biosynthesis operon putative oxidoreductase NtdC (EC 1.-.-.-)
ntdA-ntdB-ntdC -77 5.8 ATGGTATCGATTCCAT BLi03946
Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032
Position: -78
Score: 5.64668
Locus tag: BPUM_0280
Name: ntdA
Funciton: NTD biosynthesis operon protein NtdA
Locus tag: BPUM_0281
Name: ntdB
Funciton: NTD biosynthesis operon putative hydrolase NtdB (EC 3.-.-.-)
Locus tag: BPUM_0282
Name: ntdC
Funciton: NTD biosynthesis operon putative oxidoreductase NtdC (EC 1.-.-.-)
ntdA-ntdB-ntdC -78 5.6 CTGAAATCGATAACAT BPUM_0280
Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168
Position: -74
Score: 5.34735
Locus tag: BSU10550
Name: ntdA
Funciton: NTD biosynthesis operon protein NtdA
Locus tag: BSU10540
Name: ntdB
Funciton: NTD biosynthesis operon putative hydrolase NtdB (EC 3.-.-.-)
Locus tag: BSU10530
Name: ntdC
Funciton: NTD biosynthesis operon putative oxidoreductase NtdC (EC 1.-.-.-)
ntdA-ntdB-ntdC -74 5.3 ATGTTACCGATTTCAG BSU10550