Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing COG2128 gene

Regulog: H16_B0275 - Ralstonia
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: GntR/MocR
Regulation mode:
Biological process:
Phylum: Proteobacteria/Beta
Built upon 3 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Ralstonia eutropha H16
Position: -84
Score: 8.33893
Locus tag: H16_B0276
Name: COG1917
Funciton: Uncharacterized conserved protein, contains double-stranded beta-helix domain
Locus tag: H16_B0277
Name: COG2128
Funciton: Uncharacterized conserved protein
COG1917-COG2128 -84 8.3 CTCTGGTACA-(14)-TTTTGGTTCT H16_B0276
Ralstonia eutropha JMP134
Position: -89
Score: 10.3266
Locus tag: Reut_C6134
Name: COG1917
Funciton: Uncharacterized conserved protein, contains double-stranded beta-helix domain
Locus tag: Reut_C6133
Name: COG2128
Funciton: Uncharacterized conserved protein
COG1917-COG2128 -89 10.3 TCTTGGTACA-(14)-TCCTGGTGCT Reut_C6134