Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing grpE gene

Regulog: HrcA - Desulfuromonadales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: HrcA
Regulation mode: repressor
Biological process: Heat shock response
Effector: Heat shock
Phylum: Proteobacteria/delta
Built upon 29 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Desulfuromonas acetoxidans DSM 684
Position: -86
Score: 7.21685
Locus tag: Dace_0267
Name: hrcA
Funciton: Heat shock response transcriptional regulator HrcA, HrcA family
Locus tag: Dace_0266
Name: grpE
Funciton: Heat shock protein GrpE
Locus tag: Dace_0265
Name: dnaK
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaK
Locus tag: Dace_0264
Name: dnaJ
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaJ
hrcA-grpE-dnaK-dnaJ -86 7.2 TTAGCACTCCGGATGTTTGAGTGCTAA Dace_0267
Geobacter lovleyi SZ
Position: -79
Score: 7.43848
Locus tag: Glov_2831
Name: hrcA
Funciton: Heat shock response transcriptional regulator HrcA, HrcA family
Locus tag: Glov_2830
Name: grpE
Funciton: Heat shock protein GrpE
Locus tag: Glov_2829
Name: dnaK
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaK
Locus tag: Glov_2828
Name: dnaJ
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaJ
hrcA-grpE-dnaK-dnaJ -79 7.4 TTAGCACTCAAGTTTATAGAGTGCTAA Glov_2831
Geobacter metallireducens GS-15
Position: -46
Score: 7.39077
Locus tag: Gmet_3534
Name: hrcA
Funciton: Heat shock response transcriptional regulator HrcA, HrcA family
Locus tag: Gmet_3533
Name: grpE
Funciton: Heat shock protein GrpE
Locus tag: Gmet_3532
Name: dnaK
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaK
Locus tag: Gmet_3531
Name: dnaJ
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaJ
hrcA-grpE-dnaK-dnaJ -46 7.4 TTAGCACTCACCAACTCTGAGTGCTAA Gmet_3534
Geobacter sp. FRC-32
Position: -49
Score: 7.48133
Locus tag: Geob_1105
Name: hrcA
Funciton: Heat shock response transcriptional regulator HrcA, HrcA family
Locus tag: Geob_1106
Name: grpE
Funciton: Heat shock protein GrpE
Locus tag: Geob_1107
Name: dnaK
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaK
Locus tag: Geob_1108
Name: dnaJ
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaJ
hrcA-grpE-dnaK-dnaJ -49 7.5 TTAGCACTCAAATTCTTTGAGTGCTAA Geob_1105
Geobacter sp. M21
Position: -47
Score: 7.42478
Locus tag: GM21_3576
Name: hrcA
Funciton: Heat shock response transcriptional regulator HrcA, HrcA family
Locus tag: GM21_3575
Name: grpE
Funciton: Heat shock protein GrpE
Locus tag: GM21_3574
Name: dnaK
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaK
Locus tag: GM21_3573
Name: dnaJ
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaJ
Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA
Position: -48
Score: 7.3888
Locus tag: GSU0031
Name: hrcA
Funciton: Heat shock response transcriptional regulator HrcA, HrcA family
Locus tag: GSU0032
Name: grpE
Funciton: Heat shock protein GrpE
Locus tag: GSU0033
Name: dnaK
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaK
Locus tag: GSU0034
Name: dnaJ
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaJ
Geobacter uraniumreducens Rf4
Position: -47
Score: 7.38005
Locus tag: Gura_0209
Name: hrcA
Funciton: Heat shock response transcriptional regulator HrcA, HrcA family
Locus tag: Gura_0210
Name: grpE
Funciton: Heat shock protein GrpE
Locus tag: Gura_0211
Name: dnaK
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaK
Locus tag: Gura_0212
Name: dnaJ
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaJ
hrcA-grpE-dnaK-dnaJ -47 7.4 TTAGCACTCGAATTCCTTGAGTGCTAA Gura_0209
Pelobacter carbinolicus str. DSM 2380
Position: -42
Score: 7.38601
Locus tag: Pcar_0109
Name: hrcA
Funciton: Heat shock response transcriptional regulator HrcA, HrcA family
Locus tag: Pcar_0108
Name: grpE
Funciton: Heat shock protein GrpE
Locus tag: Pcar_0107
Name: dnaK
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaK
Locus tag: Pcar_0106
Name: dnaJ
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaJ
hrcA-grpE-dnaK-dnaJ -42 7.4 TTAGCACTCAATAAGCTAGAGTGCTAA Pcar_0109
Pelobacter propionicus DSM 2379
Position: -44
Score: 6.80092
Locus tag: Ppro_1406
Name: hrcA
Funciton: Heat shock response transcriptional regulator HrcA, HrcA family
Locus tag: Ppro_1405
Name: grpE
Funciton: Heat shock protein GrpE
Locus tag: Ppro_1404
Name: dnaK
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaK
Locus tag: Ppro_1403
Name: dnaJ
Funciton: Chaperone protein DnaJ
hrcA-grpE-dnaK-dnaJ -44 6.8 TTAGCACTCTCCAGTCATGAGTGCTAT Ppro_1406