Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing thiB gene

Regulator type: RNA regulatory element
Name: TPP
RFAM: RF00059
Regulation mode:
Biological process: Thiamine biosynthesis
Effector: Thiamine pyrophosphate
Phylum: Proteobacteria/Gamma
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Hahella chejuensis KCTC 2396
Position: -191
Score: 62.83
Locus tag: HCH_01612
Name: thiB
Funciton: Thiamin ABC transporter, substrate-binding component
Locus tag: HCH_01611
Name: thiP
Funciton: Thiamin ABC transporter, permease component
Locus tag: HCH_01610
Name: thiQ
Funciton: Thiamin ABC transporter, ATPase component
thiB-thiP-thiQ -191 62.8 GGCAGTCTCATCGGG... HCH_01612
Marinobacter aqueolei
Position: -141
Score: 69.65
Locus tag: Maqu_1200
Name: thiB
Funciton: Thiamin ABC transporter, substrate-binding component
Locus tag: Maqu_1199
Name: thiP
Funciton: Thiamin ABC transporter, permease component
Locus tag: Maqu_1198
Name: thiQ
Funciton: Thiamin ABC transporter, ATPase component
thiB-thiP-thiQ -141 69.7 ACTCAACTCAACGGG... Maqu_1200
Marinomonas sp. MWYL1
Position: -200
Score: 72.8
Locus tag: Mmwyl1_3472
Name: thiB
Funciton: Thiamin ABC transporter, substrate-binding component
Locus tag: Mmwyl1_3471
Name: thiP
Funciton: Thiamin ABC transporter, permease component
Locus tag: Mmwyl1_3470
Name: thiQ
Funciton: Thiamin ABC transporter, ATPase component
thiB-thiP-thiQ -200 72.8 TCATTATCTCATGGG... Mmwyl1_3472
Reinekea sp. MED297
Position: -128
Score: 66.29
Locus tag: MED297_13137
Name: thiB
Funciton: Thiamin ABC transporter, substrate-binding component
Locus tag: MED297_13142
Name: thiP
Funciton: Thiamin ABC transporter, permease component
Locus tag: MED297_13147
Name: thiQ
Funciton: Thiamin ABC transporter, ATPase component
thiB-thiP-thiQ -128 66.3 CGTTCTTGCCGGGGT... MED297_13137