Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing nrfX gene

Regulog: NarP - Pasteurellales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: LuxR
Regulation mode: activator (repressor)
Biological process: Nitrate and nitrite respiration
Effector: Nitrite; Nitrate
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Built upon 114 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Actinobacillus succinogenes 130Z
Position: -377
Score: 4.74039
Position: -321
Score: 4.61861
Locus tag: Asuc_0704
Name: nrfA
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c(552)
Locus tag: Asuc_0705
Name: nrfB
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type protein NrfB precursor
Locus tag: Asuc_0706
Name: nrfC
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, Fe-S center subunit
Locus tag: Asuc_0707
Name: nrfD
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, NrfD component
Locus tag: Asuc_0708
Name: nrfE
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c-type heme lyase subunit nrfE
Locus tag: Asuc_0709
Name: nrfX
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, predicted component NrfX
Locus tag: Asuc_0710
Name: nrfF
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c-type heme lyase subunit nrfF
Locus tag: Asuc_0711
Name: nrfG
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c-type heme lyase subunit nrfG
Locus tag: Asuc_0712
Name: yhiN
Funciton: Predicted oxydoreductase
nrfA-nrfB-nrfC-nrfD-nrfE-nrfX-nrfF-nrfG-yhiN -377 4.7 TAACTTATTATAGTTA Asuc_0704
Pasteurella multocida subsp. multocida str. Pm70
Position: -288
Score: 4.71131
Position: -205
Score: 4.77435
Locus tag: PM0023
Name: nrfA
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c(552)
Locus tag: PM0024
Name: nrfB
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type protein NrfB precursor
Locus tag: PM0025
Name: nrfC
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, Fe-S center subunit
Locus tag: PM0026
Name: nrfD
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, NrfD component
Locus tag: PM0027
Name: nrfE
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c-type heme lyase subunit nrfE
Locus tag: PM0028
Name: nrfX
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, predicted component NrfX
Locus tag: PM0029
Name: nrfF
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c-type heme lyase subunit nrfF
Locus tag: PM0030
Name: nrfG
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c-type heme lyase subunit nrfG
Locus tag: PM0031
Name: yhiN
Funciton: Predicted oxydoreductase
nrfA-nrfB-nrfC-nrfD-nrfE-nrfX-nrfF-nrfG-yhiN -288 4.7 TAACTCTAAATAGGTA PM0023