Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing ccmH gene

Regulog: NarP - Pasteurellales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: LuxR
Regulation mode: activator (repressor)
Biological process: Nitrate and nitrite respiration
Effector: Nitrite; Nitrate
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Built upon 114 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Actinobacillus succinogenes 130Z
Position: -93
Score: 4.76241
Locus tag: Asuc_0843
Name: ccmA
Funciton: ABC transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis, ATPase component CcmA
Locus tag: Asuc_0844
Name: ccmB
Funciton: ABC transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis, CcmB subunit
Locus tag: Asuc_0845
Name: ccmC
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmC, putative heme lyase for CcmE
Locus tag: Asuc_0846
Name: ccmD
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmD, interacts with CcmCE
Locus tag: Asuc_0847
Name: ccmE
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmE, heme chaperone
Locus tag: Asuc_0848
Name: ccmF
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmF
Locus tag: Asuc_0849
Name: ccmG
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmG/DsbE, thiol:disulfide oxidoreductase
Locus tag: Asuc_0850
Name: ccmH
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmH
Locus tag: Asuc_0851
Name: ccmH
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmH
ccmA-ccmB-ccmC-ccmD-ccmE-ccmF-ccmG-ccmH-ccmH -93 4.8 TACCTCTAAATGGTTA Asuc_0843
Aggregatibacter aphrophilus NJ8700
Position: -101
Score: 4.108
Locus tag: NT05HA_0026
Name: ccmA
Funciton: ABC transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis, ATPase component CcmA
Locus tag: NT05HA_0027
Name: ccmB
Funciton: ABC transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis, CcmB subunit
Locus tag: NT05HA_0028
Name: ccmC
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmC, putative heme lyase for CcmE
Locus tag: NT05HA_0029
Name: ccmD
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmD, interacts with CcmCE
Locus tag: NT05HA_0030
Name: ccmE
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmE, heme chaperone
Locus tag: NT05HA_0031
Name: ccmF
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmF
Locus tag: NT05HA_0032
Name: ccmG
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmG/DsbE, thiol:disulfide oxidoreductase
Locus tag: NT05HA_0033
Name: ccmH
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmH
Locus tag: NT05HA_0034
Name: ccmH
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmH
ccmA-ccmB-ccmC-ccmD-ccmE-ccmF-ccmG-ccmH-ccmH -101 4.1 TACTGCTAAAGAGTTA NT05HA_0026
Haemophilus influenzae Rd KW20
Position: -84
Score: 4.61461
Locus tag: HI1089
Name: ccmA
Funciton: ABC transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis, ATPase component CcmA
Locus tag: HI1090
Name: ccmB
Funciton: ABC transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis, CcmB subunit
Locus tag: HI1091
Name: ccmC
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmC, putative heme lyase for CcmE
Locus tag: HI1092
Name: ccmD
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmD, interacts with CcmCE
Locus tag: HI1093
Name: ccmE
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmE, heme chaperone
Locus tag: HI1094
Name: ccmF
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmF
Locus tag: HI1095
Name: ccmG
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmG/DsbE, thiol:disulfide oxidoreductase
Locus tag: HI1096m
Name: ccmH
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmH
Locus tag: HI1097m
Name: ccmH
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmH
ccmA-ccmB-ccmC-ccmD-ccmE-ccmF-ccmG-ccmH-ccmH -84 4.6 TACTTCTAAAGAGTTA HI1089
Haemophilus somnus 2336
Position: -96
Score: 3.80085
Locus tag: HSM_0718
Name: ccmA
Funciton: ABC transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis, ATPase component CcmA
Locus tag: HSM_0719
Name: ccmB
Funciton: ABC transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis, CcmB subunit
Locus tag: HSM_0720
Name: ccmC
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmC, putative heme lyase for CcmE
Locus tag: HSM_0721
Name: ccmD
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmD, interacts with CcmCE
Locus tag: HSM_0722
Name: ccmE
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmE, heme chaperone
Locus tag: HSM_0723
Name: ccmF
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmF
Locus tag: HSM_0724
Name: ccmG
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmG/DsbE, thiol:disulfide oxidoreductase
Locus tag: HSM_0725
Name: ccmH
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmH
Locus tag: HSM_0726
Name: ccmH
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmH
ccmA-ccmB-ccmC-ccmD-ccmE-ccmF-ccmG-ccmH-ccmH -96 3.8 TACAACTAAAGAGTTA HSM_0718
Mannheimia succiniciproducens MBEL55E
Position: -103
Score: 4.12755
Locus tag: MS0601
Name: ccmA
Funciton: ABC transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis, ATPase component CcmA
Locus tag: MS0602
Name: ccmB
Funciton: ABC transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis, CcmB subunit
Locus tag: MS0603
Name: ccmC
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmC, putative heme lyase for CcmE
Locus tag: MS0604
Name: ccmD
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmD, interacts with CcmCE
Locus tag: MS0605
Name: ccmE
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmE, heme chaperone
Locus tag: MS0606
Name: ccmF
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmF
Locus tag: MS0607
Name: ccmG
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmG/DsbE, thiol:disulfide oxidoreductase
Locus tag: MS0608
Name: ccmH
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmH
Locus tag: MS0609
Name: ccmH
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmH
ccmA-ccmB-ccmC-ccmD-ccmE-ccmF-ccmG-ccmH-ccmH -103 4.1 CACCTCTAAAGAGGTA MS0601
Pasteurella multocida subsp. multocida str. Pm70
Position: -98
Score: 4.12755
Locus tag: PM0005
Name: ccmA
Funciton: ABC transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis, ATPase component CcmA
Locus tag: PM0006
Name: ccmB
Funciton: ABC transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis, CcmB subunit
Locus tag: PM0007
Name: ccmC
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmC, putative heme lyase for CcmE
Locus tag: PM0008
Name: ccmD
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmD, interacts with CcmCE
Locus tag: PM0009
Name: ccmE
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmE, heme chaperone
Locus tag: PM0010
Name: ccmF
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmF
Locus tag: PM0011
Name: ccmG
Funciton: Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmG/DsbE, thiol:disulfide oxidoreductase
Locus tag: PM0012
Name: ccmH
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmH
Locus tag: PM0013
Name: ccmH
Funciton: Cytochrome c heme lyase, subunit CcmH
ccmA-ccmB-ccmC-ccmD-ccmE-ccmF-ccmG-ccmH-ccmH -98 4.1 CACCTCTAAAGAGGTA PM0005