Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing celR gene

Regulog: CcpA - Streptococcaceae
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: LacI
Regulation mode:
Biological process: Global catabolite repression
Effector: Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate; HPr, phosphocarrier protein
Phylum: Firmicutes
Built upon 968 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis GGS_124
Position: -48
Score: 4.5125
Locus tag: SDEG_1401
Name: celB
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIB
Locus tag: SDEG_1400
Name: celR
Funciton: Cellobiose utilization transcriptional regulator CelR, BglG family
Locus tag: SDEG_1399
Name: celA
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIA
Locus tag: SDEG_1398
Name: SP_0309
Funciton: Conserved hypothetical protein
Locus tag: SDEG_1397
Name: celD
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIC
celB-celR-celA-SP_0309-celD -48 4.5 TTGTAAAGGTTTTCTA SDEG_1401
Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus MGCS10565
Position: -31
Score: 5.08175
Locus tag: Sez_1282
Name: celR
Funciton: Cellobiose utilization transcriptional regulator CelR, BglG family
Locus tag: Sez_1281
Name: celB2
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIB
Locus tag: Sez_1280
Name: celA2
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIA
Locus tag: Sez_1279
Name: SPy1322
Funciton: Conserved hypothetical protein
Locus tag: Sez_1278
Name: celD2
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIC
celR-celB2-celA2-SPy1322-celD2 -31 5.1 AAGAAAGCGTTTTCTA Sez_1282
Streptococcus gallolyticus UCN34
Position: -56
Score: 4.937
Locus tag: GALLO_1213
Name: celB
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIB
Locus tag: GALLO_1212
Name: celR
Funciton: Cellobiose utilization transcriptional regulator CelR, BglG family
Locus tag: GALLO_1211
Name: celA
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIA
Locus tag: GALLO_1210
Name: SP_0309
Funciton: Conserved hypothetical protein
Locus tag: GALLO_1209
Name: celD
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIC
celB-celR-celA-SP_0309-celD -56 4.9 ATGTAAGCGTTTTTAT GALLO_1213
Streptococcus gordonii str. Challis substr. CH1
Position: -61
Score: 4.28134
Locus tag: SGO_1580
Name: celB
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIB
Locus tag: SGO_1579
Name: celR
Funciton: Cellobiose utilization transcriptional regulator CelR, BglG family
Locus tag: SGO_1578
Name: celA
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIA
Locus tag: SGO_1577
Name: SP_0309
Funciton: Conserved hypothetical protein
Locus tag: SGO_1576
Name: celD
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIC
celB-celR-celA-SP_0309-celD -61 4.3 TTGATGGCGTTTTCAT SGO_1580
Streptococcus mutans UA159
Position: -55
Score: 4.75975
Locus tag: SMU.1600
Name: celB
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIB
Locus tag: SMU.1599
Name: celR
Funciton: Cellobiose utilization transcriptional regulator CelR, BglG family
Locus tag: SMU.1598
Name: celA
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIA
Locus tag: SMU.1597c
Name: SP_0309
Funciton: Conserved hypothetical protein
Locus tag: SMU.1596
Name: celD
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIC
celB-celR-celA-SP_0309-celD -55 4.8 TTGTAAGCGCTTTTTT SMU.1600
Streptococcus pneumoniae TIGR4
Position: -90
Score: 4.45882
Locus tag: SP_0305
Name: celB
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIB
Locus tag: SP_0306
Name: celR
Funciton: Cellobiose utilization transcriptional regulator CelR, BglG family
Locus tag: SP_0307
Name: celR
Funciton: Cellobiose utilization transcriptional regulator CelR, BglG family
Locus tag: SP_0308
Name: celA
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIA
Locus tag: SP_0309
Name: SP_0309
Funciton: Conserved hypothetical protein
Locus tag: SP_0310
Name: celD
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIC
celB-celR-celR-celA-SP_0309-celD -90 4.5 TTGGAAACGCTTTATT SP_0305
Streptococcus pyogenes M1 GAS
Position: -34
Score: 5.05196
Locus tag: SPy1325
Name: celR
Funciton: Cellobiose utilization transcriptional regulator CelR, BglG family
Locus tag: SPy1324
Name: celB2
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIB
Locus tag: SPy1323
Name: celA2
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIA
Locus tag: SPy1322
Name: SPy1322
Funciton: Conserved hypothetical protein
celR-celB2-celA2-SPy1322 -34 5.1 TAGAAAGCGTTTTCTA SPy1325
Streptococcus suis 05ZYH33
Position: -67
Score: 4.70291
Locus tag: SSU05_2076
Name: celR
Funciton: Cellobiose utilization transcriptional regulator CelR, BglG family
Locus tag: SSU05_2075
Name: celB2
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIB
Locus tag: SSU05_2074
Name: celA2
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIA
Locus tag: SSU05_2073
Name: celA2
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIA
Locus tag: SSU05_2072
Name: SPy1322
Funciton: Conserved hypothetical protein
Locus tag: SSU05_2071
Name: celD2
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIC
celR-celB2-celA2-celA2-SPy1322-celD2 -67 4.7 CAGAAATCGCTTTCAT SSU05_2076
Streptococcus uberis 0140J
Position: -65
Score: 4.16497
Locus tag: SUB0529
Name: celB
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIB
Locus tag: SUB0530
Name: celR
Funciton: Cellobiose utilization transcriptional regulator CelR, BglG family
Locus tag: SUB0531
Name: celA
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIA
Locus tag: SUB0532
Name: SP_0309
Funciton: Conserved hypothetical protein
Locus tag: SUB0533
Name: celD
Funciton: Cellobiose-specific PTS, component EIIC
celB-celR-celA-SP_0309-celD -65 4.2 TTGAAAGCGTATACAC SUB0529