Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing oppA gene

Regulog: Fur - Enterobacteriales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: FUR
Regulation mode: repressor (activator)
Biological process: Iron homeostasis
Effector: Iron ion, (Fe2+)
Phylum: Proteobacteria/gamma
Built upon 656 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Citrobacter koseri ATCC BAA-895
Position: -247
Score: 4.29
Position: -241
Score: 4.01
Locus tag: CKO_01320
Name: oppA
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter; periplasmic binding protein
Locus tag: CKO_01321
Name: oppB
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein
Locus tag: CKO_01322
Name: oppC
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein
Locus tag: CKO_01323
Name: oppD
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
Locus tag: CKO_01324
Name: oppF
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
oppA-oppB-oppC-oppD-oppF -247 4.3 GGTGATGAGAATTATTTTC CKO_01320
Enterobacter sp. 638
Position: -247
Score: 4.03
Locus tag: Ent638_2302
Name: oppA
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter; periplasmic binding protein
Locus tag: Ent638_2301
Name: oppB
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein
Locus tag: Ent638_2300
Name: oppC
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein
Locus tag: Ent638_2299
Name: oppD
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
Locus tag: Ent638_2298
Name: oppF
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
oppA-oppB-oppC-oppD-oppF -247 4 GTAGATGAGAATGATTTTC Ent638_2302
Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655
Position: -245
Score: 4.74
Locus tag: b1243
Name: oppA
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter; periplasmic binding protein
Locus tag: b1244
Name: oppB
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein
Locus tag: b1245
Name: oppC
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein
Locus tag: b1246
Name: oppD
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
Locus tag: b1247
Name: oppF
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
oppA-oppB-oppC-oppD-oppF -245 4.7 GGTAATGAGAATAATTAAC b1243
Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae MGH 78578
Position: -216
Score: 4.41
Locus tag: KPN_02197
Name: oppA
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter; periplasmic binding protein
Locus tag: KPN_02196
Name: oppB
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein
Locus tag: KPN_02195
Name: oppC
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein
Locus tag: KPN_02194
Name: oppD
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
Locus tag: KPN_02193
Name: oppF
Funciton: oligopeptide ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
oppA-oppB-oppC-oppD-oppF -216 4.4 GCAAATGAGAATTATTTTT KPN_02197