Orthologous regulated operons containing nhoA gene
Regulog: | SoxR - Alteromonadales |
Regulator type: | Transcription factor |
Regulator family: | MerR |
Regulation mode: | activator (repressor) |
Biological process: | Superoxide stress response |
Effector: | Paraquat |
Phylum: | Proteobacteria/gamma |

Operon | Position | Score | Sequence | Locus Tag of the First Gene |
Pseudoalteromonas tunicata D2 | ||||
Position: -186
Score: 6.42585 Sequence: ACCTCAAGTTATCTTGAGGT
Locus tag: PTD2_05755
Name: nhoA Funciton: N-hydroxyarylamine O-acetyltransferase (EC |
nhoA | -186 | 6.4 | ACCTCAAGTTATCTTGAGGT | PTD2_05755 |