Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing capK gene

Regulog: CodY - Staphylococcaceae
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: CodY
Regulation mode: repressor
Biological process: Amino acid metabolism
Effector: Branched-chain amino acids
Phylum: Firmicutes
Built upon 516 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Staphylococcus haemolyticus JCSC1435
Position: -367
Score: 4.55033
Locus tag: SH0388
Name: capA
Funciton: capsular polysaccharide synthesis enzyme Cap5A
Locus tag: SH0389
Name: capB
Funciton: capsular polysaccharide synthesis enzyme Cap5B
Locus tag: SH0390
Name: capC
Funciton: capsular polysaccharide synthesis enzyme Cap8C
Locus tag: SH0391
Name: capD
Funciton: capsular polysaccharide synthesis enzyme Cap5D
Locus tag: SH0392
Name: capE
Funciton: capsular polysaccharide synthesis enzyme Cap8E
Locus tag: SH0393
Name: capF
Funciton: capsular polysaccharide synthesis enzyme Cap5F
Locus tag: SH0394
Name: capG
Funciton: capsular polysaccharide synthesis enzyme Cap5G
Locus tag: SH0395
Name: capH
Funciton: hypothetical protein
Locus tag: SH0396
Name: capI
Funciton: hypothetical protein
Locus tag: SH0397
Name: capJ
Funciton: hypothetical protein
Locus tag: SH0398
Name: capK
Funciton: hypothetical protein
Locus tag: SH0399
Name: capL
Funciton: hypothetical protein
capA-capB-capC-capD-capE-capF-capG-capH-capI-capJ-capK-capL -367 4.6 TATATTTAAAAAATT SH0388