Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing znuC gene

Regulog: ZnuR - Thermotogales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: OmpR
Regulation mode: activator
Biological process: Zinc homeostasis
Phylum: Thermotogae
Built upon 5 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Thermotoga maritima MSB8
Position: -143
Score: 6.92722
Locus tag: TM0122
Name: zur
Funciton: Zinc uptake transcriptional regulator, Fur family
Locus tag: TM0123
Name: znuA
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, zinc-binding protein
Locus tag: TM0124
Name: znuC
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, ATP-binding protein
Locus tag: TM0125
Name: znuB
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, permease protein
Locus tag: TM0126
Name: znuR
Funciton: predicted zinc uptake two-component system response regulator, OmpR family
Locus tag: TM0127
Name: znuS
Funciton: predicted zinc uptake two-component system histidine kinase
zur-znuA-znuC-znuB-znuR-znuS -143 6.9 TATACCATAATACGGTATA TM0122
Thermotoga naphthophila RKU-10
Position: -143
Score: 6.92722
Locus tag: Tnap_0752
Name: zur
Funciton: Zinc uptake transcriptional regulator, Fur family
Locus tag: Tnap_0753
Name: znuA
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, zinc-binding protein
Locus tag: Tnap_0754
Name: znuC
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, ATP-binding protein
Locus tag: Tnap_0755
Name: znuB
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, permease protein
Locus tag: Tnap_0756
Name: znuR
Funciton: predicted zinc uptake two-component system response regulator, OmpR family
Locus tag: Tnap_0757
Name: znuS
Funciton: predicted zinc uptake two-component system histidine kinase
zur-znuA-znuC-znuB-znuR-znuS -143 6.9 TATACCATAATACGGTATA Tnap_0752
Thermotoga neapolitana DSM 4359
Position: -152
Score: 6.30929
Locus tag: CTN_0567
Name: zur
Funciton: Zinc uptake transcriptional regulator, Fur family
Locus tag: CTN_0566
Name: znuA
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, zinc-binding protein
Locus tag: CTN_0565
Name: znuC
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, ATP-binding protein
Locus tag: CTN_0564
Name: znuB
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, permease protein
Locus tag: CTN_0563
Name: znuR
Funciton: predicted zinc uptake two-component system response regulator, OmpR family
Locus tag: CTN_0562
Name: znuS
Funciton: predicted zinc uptake two-component system histidine kinase
zur-znuA-znuC-znuB-znuR-znuS -152 6.3 TATACCATAATTCGGCATA CTN_0567
Thermotoga petrophila RKU-1
Position: -143
Score: 6.92722
Locus tag: Tpet_0802
Name: zur
Funciton: Zinc uptake transcriptional regulator, Fur family
Locus tag: Tpet_0801
Name: znuA
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, zinc-binding protein
Locus tag: Tpet_0800
Name: znuC
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, ATP-binding protein
Locus tag: Tpet_0799
Name: znuB
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, permease protein
Locus tag: Tpet_0798
Name: znuR
Funciton: predicted zinc uptake two-component system response regulator, OmpR family
Locus tag: Tpet_0797
Name: znuS
Funciton: predicted zinc uptake two-component system histidine kinase
zur-znuA-znuC-znuB-znuR-znuS -143 6.9 TATACCATAATACGGTATA Tpet_0802
Thermotoga sp. RQ2
Position: -143
Score: 6.92722
Locus tag: TRQ2_0825
Name: zur
Funciton: Zinc uptake transcriptional regulator, Fur family
Locus tag: TRQ2_0824
Name: znuA
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, zinc-binding protein
Locus tag: TRQ2_0823
Name: znuC
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, ATP-binding protein
Locus tag: TRQ2_0822
Name: znuB
Funciton: Zinc uptake ABC transport system, permease protein
Locus tag: TRQ2_0821
Name: znuR
Funciton: predicted zinc uptake two-component system response regulator, OmpR family
Locus tag: TRQ2_0820
Name: znuS
Funciton: predicted zinc uptake two-component system histidine kinase
zur-znuA-znuC-znuB-znuR-znuS -143 6.9 TATACCATAATACGGTATA TRQ2_0825