Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing lolE gene

Regulog: Fur - Pasteurellales
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: FUR
Regulation mode: repressor (activator)
Biological process: Iron homeostasis
Effector: Iron ion, (Fe2+)
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Built upon 151 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Actinobacillus succinogenes 130Z
Position: -32
Score: 4.2011
Position: -26
Score: 4.59321
Locus tag: Asuc_1663
Name: ftr1
Funciton: High-affinity Fe2+/Pb2+ permease
Locus tag: Asuc_1664
Name: tpd
Funciton: Uncharacterized protein probably involved in high-affinity Fe2+ transport
Locus tag: Asuc_1665
Name: COG4393
Funciton: integral membrane protein
Locus tag: Asuc_1666
Name: salY
Funciton: ABC-type antimicrobial peptide transport system, permease component
Locus tag: Asuc_1667
Name: lolE
Funciton: ABC-type transport system, involved in lipoprotein release, permease component
Locus tag: Asuc_1668
Name: salX
Funciton: ABC-type antimicrobial peptide transport system, ATPase component
Locus tag: Asuc_1669
Name: tpx
Funciton: Putative thioredoxin precursor
Locus tag: Asuc_1670
Name: PF00034
Funciton: Cytochrome C553 (soluble cytochrome f)
ftr1-tpd-COG4393-salY-lolE-salX-tpx-PF00034 -32 4.2 CTAATTGATAATCAATTTT Asuc_1663
Aggregatibacter aphrophilus NJ8700
Position: -52
Score: 4.67329
Locus tag: NT05HA_0572
Name: ftr1
Funciton: High-affinity Fe2+/Pb2+ permease
Locus tag: NT05HA_0571
Name: tpd
Funciton: Uncharacterized protein probably involved in high-affinity Fe2+ transport
Locus tag: NT05HA_0570
Name: COG4393
Funciton: integral membrane protein
Locus tag: NT05HA_0569
Name: salY
Funciton: ABC-type antimicrobial peptide transport system, permease component
Locus tag: NT05HA_0568
Name: lolE
Funciton: ABC-type transport system, involved in lipoprotein release, permease component
Locus tag: NT05HA_0567
Name: salX
Funciton: ABC-type antimicrobial peptide transport system, ATPase component
Locus tag: NT05HA_0566
Name: tpx
Funciton: Putative thioredoxin precursor
Locus tag: NT05HA_0565
Name: PF00034
Funciton: Cytochrome C553 (soluble cytochrome f)
ftr1-tpd-COG4393-salY-lolE-salX-tpx-PF00034 -52 4.7 GATAATTGTTATCAATTAC NT05HA_0572
Pasteurella multocida subsp. multocida str. Pm70
Position: -33
Score: 4.90679
Position: -27
Score: 4.24213
Locus tag: PM0453
Name: ftr1
Funciton: High-affinity Fe2+/Pb2+ permease
Locus tag: PM0452
Name: tpd
Funciton: Uncharacterized protein probably involved in high-affinity Fe2+ transport
Locus tag: PM0451
Name: COG4393
Funciton: integral membrane protein
Locus tag: PM0450
Name: salY
Funciton: ABC-type antimicrobial peptide transport system, permease component
Locus tag: PM0449
Name: lolE
Funciton: ABC-type transport system, involved in lipoprotein release, permease component
Locus tag: PM0448
Name: salX
Funciton: ABC-type antimicrobial peptide transport system, ATPase component
Locus tag: PM0447
Name: tpx
Funciton: Putative thioredoxin precursor
Locus tag: PM0446
Name: PF00034
Funciton: Cytochrome C553 (soluble cytochrome f)
ftr1-tpd-COG4393-salY-lolE-salX-tpx-PF00034 -33 4.9 GAATATAATAATCACTATC PM0453