Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Propagated regulons of Buchnera aphidicola str. Sg (Schizaphis graminum)

Type Regulator Effector Pathway Genes Sites
TF ArgR Arginine Arginine biosynthesis; Arginine degradation 8 14
TF Crp Cyclic 3',5'-AMP Carbon catabolism 42 160
TF FadR Palmitoyl-CoA; Oleoyl-CoA Fatty acid degradation 1 1
TF Fnr Oxygen Energy metabolism; Anaerobic metabolism 23 66
TF FruR Fructose-1-phosphate; Fructose-1,6-diphosphate Central carbohydrate metabolism 1 1
TF Fur Iron ion, (Fe2+) Iron homeostasis 3 24
TF MetR Homocysteine Methionine biosynthesis 2 2
TF NarP Nitrate; Nitrite Nitrate and nitrite respiration 2 2
TF NsrR Nitric oxide Nitrosative stress response 2 2
TF PurR Hypoxanthine; Guanine Purine metabolism 2 2
TF TyrR Tyrosine; Phenylalanine Aromatic amino acid metabolism 1 3