Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Orthologous regulated operons containing nrfB gene

Regulog: Fnr - Shewanellaceae
Regulator type: Transcription factor
Regulator family: CRP
Regulation mode:
Biological process: Anaerobic metabolism
Effector: Oxygen
Phylum: Proteobacteria/gamma
Built upon 541 sites [see more]
Orthologous operons
Operon Position Score Sequence Locus Tag of the First Gene
Shewanella baltica OS155
Position: -93
Score: 3.77166
Locus tag: Sbal_0180
Name: nrfX
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, predicted component
Locus tag: Sbal_0181
Name: nrfB
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, subunit B
Locus tag: Sbal_0182
Name: nrfC
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, 4Fe-4S ferredoxin subunit
Locus tag: Sbal_0183
Name: nrfD
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c subunit
nrfX-nrfB-nrfC-nrfD -93 3.8 GTGATCGTGTTCAA Sbal_0180
Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400
Position: -111
Score: 4.17779
Locus tag: Sfri_0616
Name: nrfX
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, predicted component
Locus tag: Sfri_0615
Name: nrfB
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, subunit B
Locus tag: Sfri_0614
Name: nrfC
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, 4Fe-4S ferredoxin subunit
Locus tag: Sfri_0613
Name: nrfD
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c subunit
nrfX-nrfB-nrfC-nrfD -111 4.2 TTGATTACGATCAA Sfri_0616
Shewanella halifaxensis HAW-EB4
Position: -96
Score: 4.68801
Locus tag: Shal_0300
Name: nrfX
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, predicted component
Locus tag: Shal_0301
Name: nrfB
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, subunit B
Locus tag: Shal_0302
Name: nrfC
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, 4Fe-4S ferredoxin subunit
Locus tag: Shal_0303
Name: nrfD
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c subunit
nrfX-nrfB-nrfC-nrfD -96 4.7 TTGATTTGTATCAA Shal_0300
Shewanella loihica PV-4
Position: -282
Score: 4.32188
Locus tag: Shew_3155
Name: nrfX
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, predicted component
Locus tag: Shew_3156
Name: nrfB
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, subunit B
Locus tag: Shew_3157
Name: nrfC
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, 4Fe-4S ferredoxin subunit
Locus tag: Shew_3158
Name: nrfD
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c subunit
nrfX-nrfB-nrfC-nrfD -282 4.3 TAGATCTTGATCAT Shew_3155
Shewanella pealeana ATCC 700345
Position: -93
Score: 4.72985
Locus tag: Spea_3968
Name: nrfX
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, predicted component
Locus tag: Spea_3967
Name: nrfB
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, subunit B
Locus tag: Spea_3966
Name: nrfC
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, 4Fe-4S ferredoxin subunit
Locus tag: Spea_3965
Name: nrfD
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c subunit
nrfX-nrfB-nrfC-nrfD -93 4.7 TTGATTTATATCAA Spea_3968
Shewanella putrefaciens CN-32
Position: -95
Score: 3.77095
Locus tag: Sputcn32_0312
Name: nrfX
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, predicted component
Locus tag: Sputcn32_0313
Name: nrfB
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, subunit B
Locus tag: Sputcn32_0314
Name: nrfC
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, 4Fe-4S ferredoxin subunit
Locus tag: Sputcn32_0315
Name: nrfD
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c subunit
nrfX-nrfB-nrfC-nrfD -95 3.8 GTGATGCTGGTCAA Sputcn32_0312
Shewanella sediminis HAW-EB3
Position: -88
Score: 5.28803
Locus tag: Ssed_0519
Name: nrfX
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, predicted component
Locus tag: Ssed_0518
Name: nrfB
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, subunit B
Locus tag: Ssed_0517
Name: nrfC
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, 4Fe-4S ferredoxin subunit
Locus tag: Ssed_0516
Name: nrfD
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c subunit
nrfX-nrfB-nrfC-nrfD -88 5.3 TTGATCTAAATCAA Ssed_0519
Shewanella sp ANA-3
Position: -95
Score: 4.16747
Locus tag: Shewana3_3963
Name: nrfX
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, predicted component
Locus tag: Shewana3_3962
Name: nrfB
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, subunit B
Locus tag: Shewana3_3961
Name: nrfC
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, 4Fe-4S ferredoxin subunit
Locus tag: Shewana3_3960
Name: nrfD
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c subunit
nrfX-nrfB-nrfC-nrfD -95 4.2 GTGATCTATGTCAA Shewana3_3963
Shewanella sp MR-4
Position: -95
Score: 4.16747
Locus tag: Shewmr4_3765
Name: nrfX
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, predicted component
Locus tag: Shewmr4_3764
Name: nrfB
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, subunit B
Locus tag: Shewmr4_3763
Name: nrfC
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, 4Fe-4S ferredoxin subunit
Locus tag: Shewmr4_3762
Name: nrfD
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c subunit
nrfX-nrfB-nrfC-nrfD -95 4.2 GTGATCTATGTCAA Shewmr4_3765
Shewanella sp MR-7
Position: -95
Score: 4.12563
Locus tag: Shewmr7_3838
Name: nrfX
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, predicted component
Locus tag: Shewmr7_3837
Name: nrfB
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, subunit B
Locus tag: Shewmr7_3836
Name: nrfC
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, 4Fe-4S ferredoxin subunit
Locus tag: Shewmr7_3835
Name: nrfD
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c subunit
nrfX-nrfB-nrfC-nrfD -95 4.1 GTGATCTGTGTCAA Shewmr7_3838
Shewanella woodyi ATCC 51908
Position: -88
Score: 4.88305
Locus tag: Swoo_0239
Name: nrfX
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, predicted component
Locus tag: Swoo_0240
Name: nrfB
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, subunit B
Locus tag: Swoo_0241
Name: nrfC
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, 4Fe-4S ferredoxin subunit
Locus tag: Swoo_0242
Name: nrfD
Funciton: Nitrite reductase, cytochrome c subunit
nrfX-nrfB-nrfC-nrfD -88 4.9 TTGATTTGAATCAA Swoo_0239