Collection of Manually Curated Inferences of Regulons in Prokaryotic Genomes
-- version 3.2 --

Regulons of Bryantella formatexigens DSM 14469

Allows to visualize regulome content in the context of metabolic pathways
Type Regulator Effector Pathway Operons Sites
TF ArgR Arginine Arginine biosynthesis 4 4
TF BirA Biotin Biotin biosynthesis 1 2
TF CzrA Zinc ion, (Zn2+); Silver ion, (Ag+); Nickel ion, (Ni2+); Copper ion, (Cu2+); Cobalt ion, (Co2+); Cadmium, ion (Cd2+) Zinc resistance; Nickel resistance; Copper resistance; Cobalt resistance; Cadmium resistance 1 1
TF HisR Histidine Histidine biosynthesis 3 1
TF HrcA Heat shock Heat shock response 8 6
TF IdeR Iron ion, (Fe2+) Iron homeostasis 7 7
TF IscR Iron-sulfur cluster redox state Iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis 1 1
TF LexA DNA damage SOS response 5 6
TF NiaR Niacin NAD biosynthesis 2 1
TF NrdR Deoxyribonucleotides Deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis 3 2
TF PdxR Pyridoxal-5-phosphate Pyridoxine biosynthesis 2 1
TF Rex NADH Energy metabolism 11 2
TF UxuR Glucuronate utilization 3 4
TF YtrA Multidrug resistance; Multidrug efflux; Antibiotic resistance 1 1
RNA FMN Flavin mononucleotide Riboflavin biosynthesis 1 1
RNA TPP Thiamine pyrophosphate Thiamine biosynthesis 4 2
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